Y1 Curriculum Plans
Dear Parents/Carers
This is the work that the children will be covering
over the following term in Y1.
Our topic this term is ‘Ourselves’.
Read, write and order numbers from 0 to 20 and
Know 1 more/1 less or 10 more/10 less than a
We are starting PE with a gymnastics unit. Children will be learning
to move confidently and safely in their own and general space, using changes
of speed and direction.
Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school at all times. This
includes shorts, a suitable top and some outdoor footwear.
Home learning:
Please ensure your child reads their reading
scheme book for 10 minutes every day. Books
will be changed twice a week. Please ensure your child brings their book bag
every day.
Refer to the home learning guidance on the back
for more information on weekly activities.
Art and design:
All help is
always appreciated with any area of the curriculum. So, whether you could
offer help with hearing readers, going on trips or sharing your own knowledge
with the children, we would be very grateful.
Together we can
make this a productive and exciting term.
Children will be using their hands, bodies,
voices and percussion instruments to explore and imitate environmental
Our topic for this term is ‘New Beginnings’. This will focus on the
transition to Year One, e.g. new routines, getting to know each other and
making new friends.
The children will be thinking about how they have
changed from being a baby, to being a toddler, to being at school. We will be
asking your child to bring in a baby photo to support this work.
Thank you, Lauren Gardner and Ed Sherwin